RS Research Department is the first and only Research Team in Iraq that publishes high-quality ISX market reports in English & Arabic. RS Research has an extensive database and publishes comprehensive reports to make it easier for investors to make their own investment decisions.
RS Research reports and services are as follows:
- The trading performance of the ISX-Listed Companies (Top-5 Gainers & Losers, Top-5 active by Trading Volume)
- The performance of the RSISX Index (a benchmark index calculated by RS Research to better reflect the price performance of the ISX)
- Market summary (total trading volume, market capitalization (Mcap) of the ISX, number of traded companies, number of companies whose share price increased/decreased)
- Foreigners’ transactions
- News about the ISX-Listed companies (AGM decisions, dividend distributions, and capital increase decisions, date when the stock suspended and resumed trading, etc)
- Iraq’s most important political and economic news.
- Sectoral comparison by trading volume, MCap, Change in Mcap, price to earnings (P/E), price to book (P/B), return on average equity (ROAE), and return on average assets (ROAA).
- Top 30 ISX-Listed companies by MCap and their upside potential based on 52-week high.
- Detailed tables that show trading data and financial ratios to be able to compare the ISX-Listed companies with each other.
- Financial analysis and profitability ratios that enable investors to evaluate the company’s financial performance.
- A price chart of the stock including historical closing prices and “adjusted historical closing prices”* compared to the RSISX Index.
- Stock Data (closing price, paid-in capital, Mcap, EPS, P/B, P/E, ROAA, ROAE, price performance in the last 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year)
- Corporate actions (dividend distributions, capital increases through bonus issue & rights issue
- Shareholder structure
- About the company (brief history, activities, strategies, and most important developments)
- ROAA and ROAE analysis
- Financial statements both in Iraqi Dinar and U.S. Dollar that show data for the last 5 years
- This report enables investors to see if a company increased/decreased profit before tax on a year-on-year basis, turned “from loss to profit” / “from profit to loss”, or increased/decreased its loss.
- More importantly, the report enables investors to compare the performance of a company with other companies in the same sector.
- The report provides profit before tax values both in Iraqi Dinar and U.S. Dollar.
This quarterly report contains tables and charts about the ISX-Listed companies that distributed dividends. It includes:
- The Top-10 companies based on the dividend yields (cash dividend per share/closing price before the AGM date) they provided in the last 12 months.
- Recent 10 companies that decided to distribute dividends.
- Average annual dividend yields of the ISX-Listed companies that distributed dividends in the last 5 years.
- Tables that show the dividend distribution history of all the ISX-Listed companies in the last 5 years by providing data for dividend per share, dividend yield, AGM date when a company decided to distribute dividends, and the date when a company resumed trading after that AGM.
Rabee has been calculating its own index, the “RSISX Index” since 2008 in international standards to better reflect the ISX price performance. Our index is a free-float weighted index, and it became a benchmark in the market. We publish a quarterly update report for our index to announce whether we replaced any of the 10 index companies or not. While taking such a decision, we consider the liquidity in two consecutive quarters. RSISX Index Update Report includes:
- Which companies in index calculation were replaced with others (if required)
- The list of 10 companies that are used in index calculation, our free float assumptions for each of them, and their weights in the RSISX Index

Adjusted Historical Closing Prices:
RS is adjusting (recalculating) the previous closing prices of ISX-Listed companies, according to international standards, when they resume trading after announcing in their AGM to distribute dividends or/and increase their paid-in capital. If the previous closing prices are not recalculated after such a decision, the daily price change when the company resumes trading is not calculated in the right way. Moreover, the trend in the price chart reflects wrong movements and can mislead investors, because of that, RS is adjusting all previous closing prices to reflect the true performance of the stocks. Please go to the “Company Analysis” page on our website to see the charts that show these adjusted closing prices for each of the ISX-listed companies comparable to each other and the RSISX Index.