Frequently Asked Questions
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- Trading on the ISX
If you don’t have a trading account at RS, first you need to sign up to the website, then you can log in with the username and password you created. If you have a trading account already at RS, you can use the same username (Phone number) and password (MPIN) that RS provided you for the RS App, by this way you can have an access to the Research reports that were written only for clients who have a trading account at RS.
If you want to change your registered email address that is linked with your trading account you can send a request email to RS Customer Service ( Then please follow the instructions you will get by email.
If you need to use a different mobile number to “Sign In”, please contact RS Customer Service ( directly to deactivate the previous number, then you will be able to enter a new phone number and have the authentication message on the new number.
To get started trading on stocks you should have a trading account. You can open a trading account through our Rabee App (App Store & Google Play) which includes a Virtual Trading Game (a demo trading feature) enabling you to practice the App without using real money. To open a trading account, you can also visit our Baghdad HQ, or offices in Erbil and Suleymani.
Validity date is a condition which you decide to keep your order active until it expires. The default validity for any placed order is 90 days. Also, you can set your order’s validity according to the following brackets:
- End Of Day (EOD)
- End of Week (EOW)
- End of 3 Months (90 days)
- Custom Date
Yes, you can cancel your current order and set a new one.
Yes, you can cancel it anytime.
The trading days are from Sunday to Thursday.
The times for trading are:
- Pre-session from 9:30 AM – to 10:00 AM
- Open session from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM
- Extended session from 01:00 PM to 01:30 PM
No. To be able to trade and follow your account details and the real-time stock quotes, you need to download Rabee App which is FREE to Use and Download.
With RS App you can invest in the shares of all listed companies on the Iraq Stock Exchange. There are over 100 listed companies including banks, and companies operating in telecoms, hotels & tourism, industry, agriculture, services, investment, and insurance sector.
We are not able to provide investment advice according to Iraqi laws; however, if you can follow our research reports you can have a better understanding of the market and will have required information to be able to take your own investment decisions. You can contact our Research Team ( if you have any question about the companies trading on the ISX and their reports. Please follow our research reports from our website and our Facebook page.
- Pending: Your order has been sent to the RS traders but it’s not placed yet on the market board.
- In-progress: Your order has been placed on the market board but is still not executed yet.
- Canceling in progress: your cancellation request is received but still not cancelled yet.
- Note: Some cancelling requests may be rejected because they may be executed or partially executed at the same moment you sent the cancelling request.
- Cancelled: Your request for cancelling your order is done.
- Partially cancelled: Your order has been partially executed and the remaining shares are cancelled at your request.
- Partially completed: Your order was executed partially but not all of it and you still have active order (same order) with the remaining shares.
- Expired: Your order has reached the validity date that you already chose without executing the order.
- Rejected: “Order can be rejected if it is not fulfilled the required rules.